
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Colorful closet

This closet would be a pleasure to see every morning, afternoon and evening......


I love this black cabinet with white dishes and vases.

Diamond Lightbulbs

these lightbulbs are pretty enough to show

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Big Chandelier

A huge chandelier over the bed. I want it.

Amsterdam Made by Hand

Another tiny book by Pia Jane Bijkerk is, Amsterdam by Hand. Similar to Paris Made by Hand but only fascinating shops around Amsterdam. I highly recommend it for your book collection.

Paris Made by Hand

This little book written by Pia Jane Bijkerk is a must have for anyone going to Paris. It is full of obscure shops all over the french city. Everything is made by hand. Tiny garden shops,dresses made from old Hermes scarves, handmade shoes, chapeaus, dishes, etc. Even if you are not traveling to the city of lights, it is a wonderful read to have in your collection. Order it now on amazon.

I adore Chandeliers

I am crazy for chandeliers. If I could I'd have them in every room. Antique chandeliers are my favorite with a few crystals  missing and the hardwear alittle tarnished. There is a shop in Paris called " BAGUES " where they sell the most exqusite light fixtures. They also will repair your aging chandelier. One of their crystal visions is an exact replica of a sailing ship.